Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Belated Nine Monther.

So, Eleanor "turned" nine months old last week. It's pretty much unbelievable. But, I guess some updates are in order.

Eleanor is 19 pounds, 2 inches. (70%ile)
Eleanor is just shy of 29 inches "tall." (90%ile)
Eleanor's head is 17 3/4 inches round. (70%ile)

She is a total chatterbox, with something like her own little language already. She is mimicking noises. And, I hesitate to say she's saying some words, but other people who hear her will say it is so. Either way, she's very verbal.

She is standing and shimmying holding onto things (the couch, coffee table, etc.), and marching a bit holding onto my hands. She has no interest at all in crawling. (The pediatrician's words, "She won't.") So, as of now, we're enjoying limited mobility. (Not tremendously limited though, as she rolls, scoots, launches, and climbs.) Climbing up my side (sitting, obviously, haha) is a favorite. It is very sweet, and I pretty much let her do it whenever she wants.



Anonymous said...

Do I get to see you both on Friday?

annie said...

Thanks for the update. It's been awhile, and we have all been waiting. Smooches, and happy belated nine months, Eleanor!

Lora said...

She is so lovely, I cannot believe she is already 9 months old~! And of course, she's verbal and smart, have you met her mother? :)

Hannah said...

Thanks so much for the comment on my blog about my Tabitha. I am so sorry that you too have endured this kind of loss. What an encouragement, however, to visit your blog and see your second baby--she is so beautiful!