Monday, October 08, 2007

Big Girl Days and Nights.

Well, Miss Eleanor had her four month check up today. The news is in, and it is all good! Eleanor weighs 14 lbs 12 oz (75th percentile), and is 25.5 inches long (close to the 90th percentile!). And, I forget her head size, but it's normal. :o)

Doctor Awesome (our wonderful pediatrician who makes Eleanor feel like a princess) suggested we start on rice cereal and yellow, orange, or green veggies ASAP! Wow. (Didn't expect that today!) So, Eleanor tried rice cereal this evening. She "sorta-kinda" liked it. There was not much eating going on, a lot more spitting and rolling of the tongue. And, there were moments you would think we were torturing her, but eating efficiently is seriously business for Fat Bellynor, and this hitch in her step was maddening. But, it was day one. Onward and upward from boring porridge - a.k.a. "borrige".

ALSO, Doctor Awesome told it was time to put Eleanor in a big girl bed (baby crib). He didn't mandate it, but he wanted to encourage me to go for it... So, right at this moment, my tater tot is in her own crib - (insert "eeeeek" face from previous post). I am sure midway through the night I will bring her into our room, but for now she is in her own room (Eeeeek).

Big Day. Mommy feels like she's the one with growing pains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an exciting and nervous day for you both! She looks so adorable with all of that gruel all over her lovely cheeks. Good luck with putting her in her own room. I can only imagine how scary that may be.