Monday, December 31, 2007

Too Cool for School.

Well, despite battling her first cold, Eleanor manages to continue to be awesome. She is sitting quite well without any tumbles, playing hard, and yapping constantly. She is the sweetest in all the land.

Peanut Butter (Avery) & Jelly (Eleanor) discussing their first Christmas.

With Daddy Doo on Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2007

It isn't easy being beautiful...

...especially when I try to beautify when I know Eleanor should be napping. Needless to say, she passed out in her party dress.

(Christmas dress courtesy of Juliet)

Merry Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

Six Whole Months of Wonderful.

Well, Eleanor is six months old today. I thought to write a little poem for her, but I realized my creativity rests on darker feelings, at least today. And, for Eleanor, I only have sweetness, light, morning smiles, and warmth. So, there you have it.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snow Day!

(Definitely should have stuck with the first light angle.)

Sweet feet.

Caught in the act...

Playing when she was supposed to be asleep!

And then she got bigger.

Eleanor is...

...sitting for a few minutes at a time.
...definitely still toppling over.
...desperately wanting to crawl.
...rolling everywhere she wants to go, sometimes clear across a room.
...imitating some noises.
...laughing hysterically.
...babbling constantly with her toys.
...into splashing in the tub. love with all vegetables, not as much love for fruit.
...six months old tomorrow!