Friday, July 06, 2007


I haven't slept.
There has been much eating.
There has been much vomit.
There has been wakefulness at hours when nothing makes sense but sleep.
My house smells funny.
I have disdain for my pets.
I long desperately for my bed.
I cannot wait for the light that brings sleep.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, I promise it gets easier! She will eventually flip her routine... In the beginning, Addison had her days and nights messed up. My Doctor told us to get up and go outside for a walk early, like by 9am. If I could not go for a walk for some reason, i.e. I was way to exhausted, I was to put her in her swing or bouncer by a sunny window. She flipped pretty easily after that. I was lucky. Sweet Eleanor will come around!

Lora said...

Oh honey, I remember those long nights. I hope Miss Eleanor isn't give you too hard a time. Smooch her for me!